Sunday, January 6, 2013

Overcast & Snowy

It's overcast and snowy here today which surprisingly gave be perfect lighting for my stock pictures (stock pictures are easily my most dreaded shop task) these ones turned out nicely though.  I've got a mix of turned and topstitched pads and serged pads to list.  And here's some previews...

I'll be listing them tomorrow morning after the two oldest are off to school.  I've had a busy week of organizing and tidying and trying to get back to stocking up the freezer.  Our deep freezer was so packed leading up to Christmas that I couldn't put anything new in, so now that there's some space again I'm getting my stock of bone broths, bread, soups, and quick re-heat meals like stews, chili, and spaghetti sauce packed back in.  I realized today that I'll be back to making school lunches tonight,  I better get them done early so I can watch the season premier of Downton  Abbey....hopefully the kids co-operate!

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